I love a recipe you can throw into one dish, bake in the oven and do little but wait for the ingredients to fuse and melt together to form one amazing tasting meal. Take this one-pot pasta bake dish for example. A traditional Italian recipe using traditional Italian...
A flavoursome and creamy sauce made from butternut squash, a mixture of spices, coconut milk and stock. You can make a large batch of this and portion it out for freezing for future meals. It’s perfect to use a s a pasta sauce or in a lasgane. It could...
This recipe was created for Sacla using their new SUPER GREENS SAUCE. *I used a 25cm x 35cm oven roasting dish for this recipe and the quantity of ingredients shown are to fit this. Please adjust ingredients to suit your roasting tray size. Giant pasta shapes stuffed...
An ideal mid-week meal using sweet potatoes and cashews as the base of the sauce to stir into some pasta. It requires little effort and will be ready in about 20 minutes. Lots of flavour from the garlic granules, mixed spice and nutmeg. Enjoy! Joanne 🙂 First,...
I have a go-to method for creating most of my mid-week evening meals. It’s a method I have created over the years for enabling me to make a mid-week meal which is; Easy Quick Uses mainly store cupboard ingredients Full of flavour Contains a good mix of Protein,...
....Welcome to The Balanced Kitchen, a place to find inspiration for simple recipes using wholefood ingredients.
Food that makes you feel good, tastes good and is good for health.