Bruschetta! One of the most delicious ways to eat toast! I love the combination of juicy tomatoes, fragrant basil and flavoursome fresh garlic with onions all finished with a generous amount of black pepper – all on top of toasted sourdough bread. Like pizza...
This oil-free pesto takes only minutes to make and takes absolutely delicious! An ideal mid-week meal which leaves you feeling satisfied while you nourish your body with greens, healthy fats and fibre! Begin by assembling all of your ingredients. You will need; 1...
A 10-minute meal you can have ready after a long day out of the house using mainly store cupboard ingredients and some fresh kale leaves. We all need super quick recipes in our repertoire to pull out at the end of a long day and when you’re feeling hangry! Well,...
Vegan Rocket, Walnut & Kale Stuffed Pasta Shells 16 large pasta shells2 handfuls rocket leavespesto4 stalks kale (washed, stems removed)1 large handful walnuts1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes2 tbsp olive oil1 juice lemon1 clove garlic (skin removed)1 tbsp...
....Welcome to The Balanced Kitchen, a place to find inspiration for simple recipes using wholefood ingredients.
Food that makes you feel good, tastes good and is good for health.